
Travelling with children in Mongolia

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Mongolia lends itself to travel with children, but it’s very advisable to choose a tour that suits their skills. Mongolians are very thoughtful with children and your little ones are most welcome here. You can even entrust them to the guide or a host family, they will be delighted to play with them. Moreover, they often enable to break the ice with the local people and to faster fit in. Nevertheless, according to the age and temperament of your child, some tours must be avoided.

There are long journeys in most tours. Some journeys, in itself tiring for adults, can turn out be exhausting for children, especially if they’re nervous; that’s why you’re recommended to choose tours with not that many jeep journeys.

Nevertheless, some young children are rather quiet and open and are able to get used to hard conditions. The youngest traveller was Marceau Beauvois, 3-and-a-half-years-old, who did the “great loop” tour in 2007. According to its parents, he was the least tired of the group!

According to us, the stays in “nomadic life” among nomads best suit to young children (3 to 10-years-old). These stays allow you to merge into the Mongolian traditional environment staying with a host family. Parents will stay in a peaceful atmosphere and will enjoy sharing unique moments with nomads. Children will be delighted with the neighbouring nature, the first horse rides, and the games with the nomads’ children.

Under 3-years-old, we recommend you to wait a bit longer. Hygiene and medical infrastructure make this destination inadequate for young children.

For the pony treks, it all depends on the level of the children.

In conclusion, pony treks for children less than 16 years of age, ok but only if they have excellent riding skills.